Archives For December 31, 2015

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Japan prides itself on being a country of tradition and modernity and Tokyo leads the way. With the elegance of France, technical prowess of Germany and a deep sense of its own historical significance, the world’s largest metropole is home to over 13 million people. Despite the hustle and bustle of the crowds, bright lights and towering skyscrapers, Tokyo is also a place of quiet creativity and reflection. No where else in the world do millions of passersby move so orderly and peacefully. It was the perfect place for Project Art Lounge to introduce the works of German artist, Silvia Sinha, whose conceptual interest in the transformation of urban landscapes is intertwined with an almost Japanese aesthetic. At the doorstep of the Shibuya train station – one of the busiest in the world – Andrew Luedders curated a photography exhibition at the Hikarie 8/ Creative Showcase. The exhibition Water Abstracts was held in late November 2015, following a premier exhibition of Sinha and two other international artists in Basel, Switzerland in 2013. Beginning in 2016, Project Art Lounge moves to the New York area as it continues to connect artists from around the world and empowering them both digitally and in the real world.